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Posts Tagged ‘Lesotho’

This past weekend saw the running of the 49th Roof of Africa Motorbike Endurance Race in the mountain Kingdom of Lesotho.  Nicknamed the “Mother of all Endurance” races it is certainly not for the faint hearted! For those of you who don’t know what the ‘Roof’ is, the race is made up of 4 sections […]

Traditionally in Lesotho the shepherds burn the mountains to call upon the spirits of the ancestors to bring the rains, which when they come result in new growth & grazing for the animals. The fires won’t bring the much needed rain in this time of extreme drought & heat, but at least they provided us […]

  The drought in Lesotho has yet to really hit the headlines outside of the country, with many choosing to focus on the drought within many areas of its larger neighbour, South Africa. Having lived here for over 3 years what I do know is that every year water has tended to be in short […]

For those of you who were wondering how the wonderful day of coolness & rain ended (see previous post)… …Well as is often the case the sun broke through just at the right moment producing spectacular golden lighting across the valley & with it came a rather feint rainbow. Now the rainbow was not perfect […]

Yesterday evening was stormy.  Very Stormy.  In the space of an hour  26+mm of rain & hail fell as thunder & lightning crashed around the Maphutseng Valley. This was the best image taken during that hour during which I had the camera set up to take images every second to try and capture as much […]