Only one word needed about this evenings approaching storm…”Amazing!”
Early yesterday afternoon I could see that rain was coming. Not something that would excite most people back home in the UK but here in Lesotho we have been desperate for rain. It has been unseasonably hot & dry. Rivers & springs have been running dry & people across the country have been struggling to […]
Sometimes when you are photographing odd things happen… I was photographing another storm this evening with some long exposures & the camera set on a tripod. Only when I downloaded the images & looked at them in Lightroom did I notice something strange about this one… Any suggestions. It was a 20sec exposure & logically […]
Yesterday evening was stormy. Very Stormy. In the space of an hour 26+mm of rain & hail fell as thunder & lightning crashed around the Maphutseng Valley. This was the best image taken during that hour during which I had the camera set up to take images every second to try and capture as much […]